It’s ALL in the Presentation!

French Toast Mountain

For YEARS I’ve been making french toast. It’s one of Mike’s favorite breakfast options. Audrey has NEVER wanted to eat it. I really didn’t understand why not. She likes custard, syrup and bread. Isn’t french toast all those things in one? Well, I finally found the trick to get Audrey to eat french toast so I don’t have to be short-order cook in the morning. Of course the solution came from Sam the Cooking Guy’s 1st book: Just a Bunch of Recipes. It’s not so much of a recipe but a suggestion on how to present it:

Cut french toast into 1″ squares and place in a mountain-like pile. Drizzle with syrup first; this would be the “cascading waterfall” part of the mountain. Then dust the top of the pile with powdered sugar, this gives it the “snowy peaks” part of the mountain.

I made this for Audrey a few weeks ago and she requested it for her breakfast this morning saying “Mommy, can you make me that french toast mountain with the sugar powder on top?” How do I say no to that?

Pumpkin Scones

photo from

I bought some canned pumpkin last week to make something (can’t remember what so it must’ve been really good) but didn’t use the whole can. While looking online for a picture of a pumpkin tonight I came across a picture of pumpkin scones which led me to where I found a recipe for some! And…it turned out that I had just enough leftover canned pumpkinto make them!

As I started pulling out the scone ingredients Audrey came into the kitchen to offer her help which, of course, I happily accepted. After getting the scones on the baking sheet it was time for the egg wash. I told Audrey I needed an egg. As she was going to the refrigerator to get it for me, she asked if she could crack it. I told her I needed to do it because I only needed the yolk. She shut the refrigerator door and said, “well, I don’t know where to get that.” Silly.

Just a few more minutes until the scones are done baking. Hopefully they make it to the morning so I can take them to work to share. I feel kind of bad that the Month of Cynthia is almost over and I’ve only brought a value-size bag of candy corn to celebrate!